Friday, February 27, 2009

A New Responsiblity

A couple of weeks ago the leader of our TOPS weight loss group asked me if I would consider being the new leader, beginning April 1st. After asking questions and talking to hubby, I've decided I'm going to do it. I will have a co-leader, secretary, treasurer, and other members taking on certain tasks, so I think it's do-able. When she first asked me, I protested a bit, saying that I'm a fairly new member (end of July). She said I was enthusiastic and had made good progress, that she thought I'd be good. That was nice to hear.

I'm hoping it will be an extra little push of motivation to keep losing weight through exercise and healthy eating. If I'm the leader, I want to be a good example!

I've started walking again after slacking off for a while. Yay me!


  1. Oh, I think that's great! I know when I think of the example I'm setting for others who are struggling I tend to do better myself. Yay you for walking!

  2. What's TOPS? I think it's great that you're taking on this leadership role - you're right, it will motivate you!

  3. Very cool! I'm with 4oz. What is TOPS? Whatever it is, I think its good opportunity for you to take this leadership role and it will defintely help.

  4. Sorry I'm late in responding, ladies. For some reason I'm having trouble getting e-mail updates when people leave comments here, plus I have sick recovering and one just starting.

    TOPS is Take Off Pounds Sensibly, and it's like Weight Watchers. They are all over the U.S. and I think in other countries too, though I'm not 100% sure of that. It's I believe.
