Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good News, and More Good News

We're leaving town tomorrow morning for an out-of-town basketball tournament and won't be back till Sunday, so don't miss me too much, ok? Ha.

The good (I hope it turns out to be good!) news is that last night I *did* get elected to be the new leader of our TOPS--Take Off Pounds Sensibly--group beginning April 1st. The two previous leaders promised to help me with whatever I need. Hubby told me that I need to change my title from leader to dictator. Very humorous, honey.

The other good news is that I lost the three pounds I gained last week.

And finally, my eating habits, including drinking lots of water, are good. I need to walk today. We're having a contest at TOPS where the first one to lose ten pounds wins the pot...we each put in a dollar. The lady who is determined to win is a bit flustered, I think, that I'm right on her tail. She is a nice person, and I'm glad for her that she's been losing so well lately. But it's a fight to the death, baby! Well, or until I collapse on the treadmill.


  1. WooHoo! You go girl!

  2. Hey! Thanks for explaining what TOPS is! That sounds pretty cool! It will definitely help to keep you motivated! As for the contest - want us to send some donuts to your competition? You let us know...we'll send LOTS of carbs her way! =)

  3. LOL about the donuts...well, she lost more than I did this week but that's okay. I lost one pound! Another gal lost SEVEN pounds; she was retaining a bunch of water and went to her dr. and I guess he put her on some kind of diuretic. Well, good for her. Both those ladies have more weight to lose than I do, and I'm happy they're having success.
