Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Wow, it's hard for me to keep up with posting here. I have another blog, and I have a family and a life. We're doing spring cleaning and painting this week.

Last night at TOPS(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) I "turtled", which means I weighed to same as last week. Not good news, but not bad either. I'm eating okay...a little bit of something I shouldn't now and then...but basically I'm being good. I'm not walking like I should though.

Does anybody have any extra motivation they're not using right now, that I could borrow?


  1. The following activity really pumped up my motivation the other day: I went shopping for a new bathing suit. Oh motivated me to get my butt in gear!

  2. 4 oz., yeah, that would be motivation by fear for me! The good thing is, my swimsuit from last year will be WAY too big this year.
