Monday, February 2, 2009

Expanding Love Handles

Nooooo...this wasn't supposed to happen! That's what the perfectionist voices inside my head are shrieking at me. I gained a little bit...a half pound or a pound...and I haven't been walking consistently.

My eating habits over the weekend were less than stellar. Yeah. Let's just say I made intimate friends with a plate of nachos and buttery popcorn and some other junk. What is wrong with me? Where's my will power? Where's my motivation???

There's always an excuse lurking in the back of my brain. But it's Super Bowl Sunday. Everyone snacks during the Super Bowl. I think it would be easier if I were fighting, say, a substance abuse. Maybe not, but one part would be easier. I could avoid the alcohol or drug completely and be successful. You can't do that with food. You have to make peace with it and learn to nourish your body in a healthy way.

Why am I so weak?

1 comment:

  1. It's frustrating isn't it? We really do use food to soothe ourselves, and this is a tough time of year. I have a family member that used to have a drug and alcohol problem, waaaay back in her past. She kicked the drug problem, but gained a lot of weight over the years. She's been sober for over 20 years. Recently she got bypass surgery and lost the weight. BUT she has fallen off the wagon several times in the last year, turning once again to alcohol and drugs.

    She never learned healthy ways of coping, she's just exchanged addictions over the years. When she couldn't use food she switched back to drugs and alcohol.

    Here's the tricky part: What are we using food for? And what can we learn to do instead? I'm still working on that.
