Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday Weigh In...Ummm

It's not happening today. I don't have a new battery for my scale yet so I can't weigh. My friend Tacie doesn't want to weigh and I totally understand that. I've been there...empty bag of Cheetos...cookie crumbs...receipt from a buffet restaurant... Look at that number between my feet the next morning? I don't think so.

It's goofy. Why do we think that NOT weighing is going to change anything? I guess we need to figure out if seeing bad news will discourage us and send us scrounging through the pantry for a box of Little Debbies, or whether we will be spurred on to better eating and exercise plans.

I did eat a few Hershey's kisses with almonds last night. A few. That's a change for me. I'm not too scared to weigh, but I can't. Convenient, eh?


  1. Yeah, in my case it's a matter of knowing bad news would have stressed me out. I was already feeling bored and agitated, but on a good roll with some new habits. Vulnerable. lol.

  2. Hello! I was on Tacie's blog and started to poke around your blog...hope you don't mind!

    You and I are very much alike! I FINALLY BROKE THROUGH THE 200 BARRIER IN NOVEMBER! I never thought it was going to happen! It took TWELVE YEARS to break that barrier!

    I know you say your batteries are low (uh huh...I'll buy that one....sure....*evil smile*) but you need to see how you're doing! Go buy those batteries!

    P.S. I'm adding you to my blog roll! Welcome!

  3. Hi 4 oz.! I recognized you because I saw you had commented on Tacie's blog. Sure, come over here anytime.

    And yes, I really do need to buy a new battery for my scale! Although I do weigh in at my TOPS meeting every Tuesday evening.

    I will add you to my blog roll, too.
