Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In Which Freda Hits a New Low

My bathroom scale has low batteries, so I won't be able to do the Thursday weigh in till I buy the right kind.

However, I hadn't been to TOPS for four long weeks (bad weather, basketball games) so was glad to go last night. I feared I'd gained but I didn't. I lost another 1.5 pounds, and according to their the evening with my clothes on I weighed 200.5. Yay! I've almost broken the 200 barrier even at night.

Yesterday was a good eating day. The worst thing I did was to eat a grilled stuffed burrito at Taco Bell with hubby for lunch. I drank diet Pepsi and gave him my nachos. I don't care for that fake melty cheese.


  1. You HAVE broken the 200 barrier, even at night. Clothes add a lot of weight. That is AWESOME!

  2. Thanks for reminding me of that, Tacie! Clothes DO add a lot. I once teasingly asked the weigh in ladies at TOPS if I could weigh in the buff. They said, the rules say you have to weigh in the way you will walk into the meeting room. I am not *that* brave.
