Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday Weigh In

I've been doing okay with my eating, not so much with walking, but my dear hubby shared his virus with me. Feeling slightly better today...not completely well though.

This a.m. I weighed...194. Couldn't wait till Thursday to share that. Hurray! Been a while since I've seen these kind of numbers on the scale.

I know that still sounds big, and it kind of is, but bear in mind that I'm 5'11".

That's 25 pounds GONE.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Wow, it's hard for me to keep up with posting here. I have another blog, and I have a family and a life. We're doing spring cleaning and painting this week.

Last night at TOPS(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) I "turtled", which means I weighed to same as last week. Not good news, but not bad either. I'm eating okay...a little bit of something I shouldn't now and then...but basically I'm being good. I'm not walking like I should though.

Does anybody have any extra motivation they're not using right now, that I could borrow?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday Weigh In

The numbers are in, folks...

As of this morning I weigh...197.5 pounds. Yeah! I hope the 200's are gone forever.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Man Pants

So, hubby had a birthday recently and I took him to a Mexican restaurant for lunch, just the two of us.

I was wearing stretchy workout pants (not that I'd worked out that morning or anything) and decided to change into jeans and a nicer shirt. I pulled on the jeans--still lying on the floor where they'd been thrown with abandon (ahem) the night before--and discovered they were tight. No way, I thought dismally. I couldn't have gained that much since I last wore these. Then I looked down and noticed they were way too short. I laughed. They were my husband's!

Then my heart leaped with joy as I realized I could actually fit into his pants! He's six feet and 165-or-so pounds. I'm an inch shorter, though my legs are considerably longer than his, and my stomach had been to ever put on his pants, let alone ZIP and BUTTON them.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good News, and More Good News

We're leaving town tomorrow morning for an out-of-town basketball tournament and won't be back till Sunday, so don't miss me too much, ok? Ha.

The good (I hope it turns out to be good!) news is that last night I *did* get elected to be the new leader of our TOPS--Take Off Pounds Sensibly--group beginning April 1st. The two previous leaders promised to help me with whatever I need. Hubby told me that I need to change my title from leader to dictator. Very humorous, honey.

The other good news is that I lost the three pounds I gained last week.

And finally, my eating habits, including drinking lots of water, are good. I need to walk today. We're having a contest at TOPS where the first one to lose ten pounds wins the pot...we each put in a dollar. The lady who is determined to win is a bit flustered, I think, that I'm right on her tail. She is a nice person, and I'm glad for her that she's been losing so well lately. But it's a fight to the death, baby! Well, or until I collapse on the treadmill.