Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday Weigh In

My friend Tacie has decided to post her weight on Thursday, so I think I'll follow her lead. I belong to TOPS and weigh in there every Tuesday evening, but of course my weight is a bit higher then because it's in the evening and I'm fully clothed except for shoes. I don't weigh myself every day at home but do check at least every other day. My scale is NOT that reliable but until I get a better one, here goes:

My weight for this morning was: 200.5 lbs. I had broken the "200" barrier, just barely, for a short time. I will again. Even more exciting than breaking the sound barrier!

That's a nineteen pound loss since October; I have gained back one of the pounds I've lost but basically I'm holding steady. Actually, I gained 2.5 pounds during Christmas and then lost that. So I'm on one of those "plateaus" they speak of, but I'm happy I'm not in rapid-gain mode!

I haven't been walking as faithfully so that's one of my goals. The other is to drink LOTS of water.


  1. My relatives are into Lutefisk, or maybe they're just into joking about it, taunting me with it. I've never had it, and have no intention of having it. LOL!

    BUT I'd be lost if I had oatmeal chocolate cookie dough in the house. Yikes! Cookies are one of my downfalls, so I either have to bake only enough to have one or two and let the kids devour the rest or not bake at all. Maybe make the cookies, save one for you, and give the rest away. Do you like your neighbors?

  2. Oops, guess I'm doubling up on comments all over the place. I meant to say, You're doing AWESOME!

  3. I made the cookies for the kids' basketball concessions, along with a humongous batch of chili. So most of the cookies were sold. Thank goodness! But it's HARD to do that and abstain from it. For me anyway.

  4. Lutefisk is nasty...I put it on my blog as a joke. It's fish with lye, basically fish soap. I had it once and that was enough.
