Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Food Journal 1-28-09

My eating today wasn't all that great. The only fruit I had was grape jelly!!!

Breakfast: Reliv (vitamin & mineral drink) I know I should have eaten solid food too, but I was wiped out from staying up too late last night.

Lunch: PB & J on whole wheat, eaten in the car on the way to taking the kids to a 12:40 movie.

Snack: Lo-cal fudge bar

Supper: Cheesy Potato soup, plus seconds

Water: 32 oz. so far

I'm going to walk on the treadmill 45 minutes (about 2.5 miles), drink at least 16 oz. more water, and eat an apple.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good ending to the day. Eating healthfully while on the go is a real challenge!
